Emerald Myst Wanderings


Friday, May. 07, 2004 - 3:29 am


I really hate confrontations. Really.

Tonight, I had no real choice in this situation that presented itself.

I knew she was going to be upset, and I really don't blame her at all, but I still feel that I made the right decision. And I have gotten support from the couple people that know about it.

But god that was hard. It broke my heart to tell her what I decided.

But, I also feel kinda proud of myself, because in spite of how hard it was, I didn't just weaken or cave in to make things easier. I stuck to what I knew I needed to do.

I could perhaps do better at these things in the future, and it would be easier to feel good about this decision if I were completely blameless in the issue, but I'm not.

I really wish there were something I could do to fix things and make it all better and easy and happy for everyone. But of course, I can't.

I think that we are ok now, but I guess I'll have to wait and see for sure. She is a very dear friend of mine and it would be crushing if this came between us.

Ugh, I'm wiped.



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Crummy - Monday, Jul. 12, 2004
Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
Letting Go - Friday, Jun. 04, 2004
Google 5 - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004
Before Tattoo - Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

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