Emerald Myst Wanderings

Organized, Separate Journals, Taking Care of Myself, & Boys Again

Sunday, May. 11, 2003 - 6:15 pm


Well let's see. I am feeling very good about the summer. We finally sat down and made lists of all the things we need to do for Flipside and things we need to do to go to Michigan. I feel so much better about it all. We are more organized, and it makes all the stuff seem less overwhelming. I must learn to stay more organized, so that everything doesn't creep up on me until I feel out of control, and then it's really hard and scary to get organized.

I feel very optimistic about the future in general. There is so much to do though!

I had decided I wanted to get on Live Journal, and emailed Matthew to invite me, but he hasn't yet, which means he's probably not going to because he forgot, so now I have to decide, do I really want on there? I like reading the journal's on there of the people I know. And I have started being inclined to record all the daily little stuff I do, which was not what I really wanted this diary for. I wanted to mostly record the big things going on, realizations I have, things that inspire me, things I'm struggling with, that kind of thing. (And a lot of that I think I don't want to share with everyone I know, so having it on this diary which almost no one knows about works out great.) So I'm not sure if I want to start including so much mundane stuff, which I've already started doing anyway. But I could use LJ as the daily stuff journal, because that I don't mind sharing with people, and I could kind of keep stuff separate.

Why do I want to keep stuff separate? That's never really occurred to me to do before. Hmm.

The main downside of LJ for me is that I already spend a lot of time on Diaryland. Do I need another online thing to spend time on? Especially when I'm so busy anyway. Maybe it would be worth the time it takes, but that's the kind of thing that it's very hard to know until after the fact.

I guess I'll just give it some more thought.

I twisted my ankle yesterday. It's not too terrible. I can limp around, and it's better today than it was yesterday. I think it was a message to slow down and pay attention. If I had been doing that at the time, I wouldn't have twisted it.

I'm starting to understand that my unconscious values are sort of skewed. Mainly that I need to be something I value. It helps me to be such a better person if I take the time to exercise and to sit and breathe every day. But it's so hard to not get antsy and start thinking there's something better, more important I should be doing instead. But slowly I'm seeing how very important taking care of myself in this way is. I just need more practice I guess.

OK I've gone through this whole entry without being giggly, but Cookie wrote me back! He just wrote a very short sweet little email, and it's the kind of email that I can read a couple of different ways, so I'm not positive what he wanted me to think of. I have to wonder if he did that on purpose. I really don't feel like he's someone to interact with in email though. I think in person is better. I wish I knew why oh why I am so drawn to this man and to thinking he and should be great friends. It defies logic, and I really don't think the only explanation is because I find him so damn sexy. I really think something else is going on here. I hope there is because otherwise I feel stupid.



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Crummy - Monday, Jul. 12, 2004
Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
Letting Go - Friday, Jun. 04, 2004
Google 5 - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004
Before Tattoo - Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

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For a more complete view of my life, read these:

live journal ~ gratitude journal
