Emerald Myst Wanderings

Ailing Dream

Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2003 - 11:36 pm


First entry. Hmm.

I love reading my Free Will Astrology horoscope each Wednesday. That Rob Brezsny is brilliant! I wouldn't say that I fully believe in astrology, but there's almost always something in there that's really meaningful for me at the time.

This week's horoscope:

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): My old friend John liked to joke that he lived "in tent city." It was his way of bragging about how he loved to steep himself in a level of intensity that would make most people's eyes bug out. I bring this up, Gemini, because I suspect you'll be staying "in tent city" for a few days. Since you'll only be visiting, not moving in, your time there should be more exciting than exhausting. Here are tips for getting the most out of your trip: 1. Do what you fear at least twice. 2. Set in motion plans to seize back any rights that have been stolen from you. 3. Resuscitate an ailing dream as if your life depended on it. (Your life doesn't really depend on it, but the "as-if" experiment will supercharge your courage at just the right time.)

I sort of don't like this horoscope. I feel too tired to be exciting right now. I don't want to do what I fear, I want to treat myself gently. At the same time, about the ailing dream, this is the second wake up call in the last 3 days that it's time to clean off my table and start working on my hands again.

My hands are this big art project I've been working on for almost 10 years, off and on. More off than on, unfortunately. It's time to start working on it again, instead of waiting for the right time. It's the way I most want to spend my time, but I keep kind of punishing myself and not letting myself work on them because some other task is incomplete.

Hey and I'm also kind of seizing back a stolen right. One that I stole from myself.

I think I will clean off my table right now.


Today's soundtrack: Sarah McLachlan - Surfacing; Danger Girl - Superpower; Tori Amos - Under the Pink

What I'm reading today: Women's Intuition by Paula Reeves; Wild Mind by Natalie Goldberg

What I'm watching today: Holiday; Skidoo


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Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
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Google 5 - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004
Before Tattoo - Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

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