Emerald Myst Wanderings

Awful Situation

Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003 - 5:20 pm


There's this awful situation I've been watching involving two of my friends, and it's been going back and forth for about 3 months now, and they're both clearly in so much pain. I've intended to talk to each of them a couple times now, but I keep thinking things have cleared up finally..... and then it's awful again. I can not stand this. I don't really know if I should be butting in, but I feel very connected to these people and their pain is causing me pain. And, I don't know if either of them has anyone to talk to really. The whole thing keeps kind of inadvertently it seems being presented to me and my husband. Anyway, I decided yesterday I must talk to each of them ASAP, and try to start getting some sense into them, and let them each know I'm here if they need anything. But tonight there's a party thing, that likely they'll both be at. Is that a good place to talk to them? I really don't know. It's so weighing down on my heart though, it surely must be weighing on theirs.

I wish this situation were just gone. It hurts so much. I hope I can actually do anything about it. I hope I'm not just being presumptuous here. Or I at least hope that things improve and change immediately. Like NOW.



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