Emerald Myst Wanderings

Greg, Umlauf, Audrey, & Oprah

Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 - 2:31 am


So today was pretty great.

First, there's Greg to explain. In some ways, Greg will always be the love of my life. I've known him since I was in the 10th grade. We were great friends in high school, even pretty much best friends for almost a year, we were in a band together for a few years, and have stayed friends in spite of barely talking and living in different cities for the past several years. And, I was completely totally in love with him for all of that high school time, and I've fallen into crush with him again a couple times since then. We have never actually dated, but he does know about all the crushes and we kissed once, oh and blah blah blah. I'm getting all girly talking about him. See? What is it about him? I totally cannot imagine how having an actual romantic relationship with him would be satsfying, but, I dunno, it's Greg.

It was so great to see him, and catch up and stuff. Somehow he didn't even know I do the Burning Man thing, which means that there's a lot of other stuff he doesn't know either. I am really looking forward to renewing our friendship and seeing a lot more of him.

Then I went from lunch to the Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Museum. Wow. What a beautiful and moving place. Basically this man, Charles Umlauf, did all this sculpture, primarily bronze, and this is where a lot of it's displayed. The museum is just one room really, that holds the pieces that would not weather outside. Oh one of them, In The Beginning, was so moving, my god I don't have words. It was completely abstract and fairly simple, but he really captured something in those lines that was almost overwhelming.

Then the garden. This was not like other sculpture gardens I've been to where you have an outdoor area with some sculptures and some simple landscaping. This was a beautiful garden, with big shady trees, and a pond and a creek, and benches and little paths to wander down, and the sculptures were set in among all the plants. It was really stunning.

Most of all though was the way it all made me feel. I looked up into the trees or at the creek or at a particular sculpture and I just felt so connected to it all. I could feel my aura sort of reaching out to everything, and I kept having images of myself connected to all the bugs and the birds, sometimes even covered in them. And I had a real sense of the moment and of the life and death cycle of the Universe and how I was part of everything and how beautiful it all was. I felt very at peace and loving. It's very similar to the feeling I had last night, which I also had some this morning. I'm really loving this coming to me like this.

Then I went and visited with Audrey some. She had surgery today, because she had a lump removed from her breast. Everyone's pretty sure it's not cancer, but it's kinda scary just the same. But the surgery went very smoothly and she seemed to be doing just great. So that was good.

And last of all, this evening I really got upset about my body and health right now and everything (I tried to buy some new clothes cheap and found nothing that fit that I would actually wear). I really am 50 pounds overweight, which I gained in nine months a few years back from a hormonal disorder, and I've never really managed to lose it. It's not that my size bothers me so much, but my shape bothers me, and I just really don't feel I'm at my optimal health at all. And, this is supposed to be the year of health, and I'm not doing so great at focusing on that so far.

So anyway, I was doing some collaging stuff this evening and looking through some old issues of the Oprah magazine (which I totally love because it's so full of positive stuff and makes me feel good about myself) when I noticed this on the cover of one: "Feel Good Naked - A fabulous 10-point plan, no diet required." I read that and decided that whatever this plan said to do, I was going to do. And actually when I read the 10 things, all but one of them are things I really want to do anyway, so I say what the hell, it feels good to have a plan instead of just vague intentions. And this plan really comes from the idea of feeling healthy and feeling good about your body (and it was developed by a woman with 20 years experience as a fitness therapist). So, the 10 points:

1. Treat yourself once a week (as in ice cream)

2. Drink 2 quarts of water a day

3. Work out at least 10 minutes a day

4. Schedule fitness appointments in writing and stick to them as you would any appointment

5. Stop eating in front of the TV

6. Pick an idol to motivate and inspire you and put their picture up (I was already intending to pull out some pictures of Kate Dillon, my current pick for most beautiful woman in the world)

7. Sit and breathe consciously for 5 minutes every day (in other words, meditate)

8. Take 30 minutes of private time each day for whatever you want but do it alone

9. Write yourself a love letter once a month and mail it to yourself (this is the one thing that I would probably not do if it weren't for this plan, but I certainly would love to get something wonderfully interesting in the mail once a month.)

10. Stand up straight and tall (She says, "If you practice what self-confidence looks like, you'll begin to know what it feels like.")

So there's my day, thank you for reading, ladies and gentlemen. Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.



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