Emerald Myst Wanderings

Hanging with the Guys

Monday, Dec. 08, 2003 - 11:29 pm


So we went out to this bar, Opal Divine's, tonight, because this guy, Steve S, that knows my husband and Stuart and Syd and Nathan sort of called it because he's in town for a few days and wanted to hang out with people. Got it?

So it was me and 10 guys. I forgot how much I love being around a group of men. Oh it's a great feeling.

I was very glad to get to know Steve S a little. He's an interesting guy. Not someone that it seems like I would be close to, but seems very much like he'd be close to people I'm close to.

Syd sat next to me, and I frequently felt like he wanted to talk to me, but kept getting interrupted by Steve. I don't know if he actually had something to say or if he just wanted to spend time with me.

I didn't really get to see much of Stuart until we were leaving. But when we did get up to leave, Stuart and Syd got up too and the four of us stood around and talked for about 10 minutes, and I was just thinking, THIS, THIS is what I want lots of. The four of us. This energy is awesome. I still feel kind of high from that energy.

Well and the people energy in general. It's odd to me to be receptive to this right now. I don't know what it means. I mean, ususually I'm a very introverted person and being around people makes me tired. I don't get it.

I was very pleased that when we were leaving, Stuart asked me if I had a good time and he wondered if I felt overwhelmed. It made me feel good that he remembers that that happens to me and that he's looking out for me.

I don't really think anything is going to "develop" between Syd and I, which is totally fine, but I did feel from our very very last interaction that there is some kind of spark between us. It was good to have that validated, because I was wondering if it was just play to him, or if there was some feeling there. So I'm glad to feel like there was some feeling there. We've got to convince him to come to Flipside. I hope he moves back to Austin eventually.

I hope I can find time to hang out with Stuart soon. Geez.



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