Emerald Myst Wanderings


Saturday, May. 03, 2003 - 1:28 am



I am super crazy hyper happy excited right now!

For no particular reason!

It did oddly enough start though with watching Manor House. Why a tv show is making me so excited I don't know. I even watched the episode the second time it was shown. I really want to buy the DVD's.

My favorite part of history (ok, really the only part of history I like--but I like it a lot!) is learning about how people lived their daily lives. And that is completely what this is about. I feel like I would enjoy watching all of the unedited footage, it is that fascinating to me.

I don't really think this is the only thing making me so hyper, but I really don't know what else there is. If I didn't have to get up kinda early I'd really be enjoying this! I mean, I'm still kinda enjoying this, but I'd REALLY be enjoying it if I could sleep in. But I'm getting up early to go to Market Day, which I'm also super excited about, so it will definitely be worth it!

Maybe I should go for a walk or something. But I'd have to wake up my husband, who has to get up at 5am and work 13 hours tomorrow. He's doing tech support for the new computer system that's being used for voting tommorrow.

I actually cooked food today! I never cook. I made this weird beans-cheese-tofu mess that I was going to put in a tortilla until I realized we didn't have any, so I ate it with blue corn chips. I think that's the third time I've ever had tofu. Could tofu be making me hyper? I just ate it at 10.

I am so excited about Flipside and Burning Man! I really really really want to go to Burning Man! Still need a ticket though and they're SPENSIVE!

There's this camp at Burning Man that gives out these cool Fimo pendants each year, and they're having a contest for people to design this year's and whoever's design gets chosen gets 100 of them free! I have a design idea, too! Hey! Maybe I could work on that now!

You know how some diaryland people have "cast" pages that explain who all the people they talk about are? I've been thinking about making a "useful terms" page, to explain things like Burning Man, and Flipside, and Network. Do any of the 2 of you that read this have an opinion?

OK I think I really will do stuff on this design idea. Sorry if this post is out of control but it's helped me get some energy out!



today's music: mix CD's

today's movie: Some Like It Hot


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Crummy - Monday, Jul. 12, 2004
Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
Letting Go - Friday, Jun. 04, 2004
Google 5 - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004
Before Tattoo - Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

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