Emerald Myst Wanderings

Mundane Stuff from Last Two Days

Wednesday, May. 07, 2003 - 11:33 pm


Well the last 2 days have been odd. Mostly unpleasant interactions with parents, mine and my husband's, but I think they're all cleared up now. Well as cleared up as they're going to be. I basically believe that we can not change our parents opinions and beliefs, we can only affect how they treat us. And I ask that they be quiet about certain things and let us live our lives the way we want to!

As if I'm not already busy enough with this diary, I'm thinking about getting on Live Journal. I've started reading Matthew's journal and his Friends page which shows all the recent entries from everyone on his friends list. It's mostly mundane kind of stuff, but it's almost all people I know personally, and I'm very fascinated to read about their daily lives. Lots of things they're doing that I know nothing about! It's really neat to see this other side of people. I guess I mostly want on there to have my own Friends page. Maybe that's just silly. I think I'd write more mundane stuff in there too, not so much like what I write in here. I've tried to only write things that it would be ok if people I knew read, but at the same time I think I reveal more of myself than I might want to to all my friends. To my knowledge only one person I know reads this (Hi Kitten!) and she's in San Francisco. Well anyway, to get on there someone has to give me some kind of code, and I've asked Matthew for it, but have not heard back yet. So we'll see what happens.

Speaking of not hearing back, I wrote Cookie an email but have not heard back. I want to be non-attached to the outcome of my sending it, and not be affected by whether or not he responds, but I'm doing pretty lousy at it! I really don't know what I want from him exactly, but I know I want to see him more and continue the kind of interactions we've had so far.

Speaking of not knowing what I want from somebody, I really really miss Kevissimo. I got a wonderful email from him that really hit me somehow and made me feel how much I miss him. Then last night I dreamt that I was getting to see him finally at the airport or at Flipside or something (we're going to pick him up at the airport when he flies in for Flipside) and when we saw each other we were both incredibly moved and it was very powerful. I am confused by my feelings for him. I have never felt this way about anyone, and not that it's stronger, it's just different. I really don't know what I want from him.

I also just this evening got a wonderful surprise phone call from my very dear friend Ashley. She's one of my LA people, probably my main LA person really, and it was so great to talk to her some. I told her all about going to Burning Man by myself, AND, she said she'd buy my ticket for me!!! I was so surprised and delighted! And thankful! She said she wants to help however she can with my personal growth, and since we can't actually be together and grow together, this is something she can do from a distance. It was so sweet it made me tear up. I am so glad I'm going to get to see her this summer!

Let's see, I guess the only other thing going on really is that we have started figuring out what we need to do before we leave for Michigan. It's kind of exciting! And I feel like we are already making good practical plans for what to do in August after we've done our traveling.

So there's me from the last 2 days. I wish I had something wiser or more inspirational to share.


current listening: mix CD

current reading: The Future of Love by Daphne Rose Kingma


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most recent entries:
Crummy - Monday, Jul. 12, 2004
Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
Letting Go - Friday, Jun. 04, 2004
Google 5 - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004
Before Tattoo - Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

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For a more complete view of my life, read these:

live journal ~ gratitude journal
