Emerald Myst Wanderings

Letter from Mother-In-Law

Thursday, Jun. 19, 2003 - 10:30 am


My husband's mother is quite insane. She's a good person and means well, but she can be extremely difficult to deal with at times. I'm often amazed that my husband came out as undamaged as he did, with her for a mother.

Lately she's been sending these very random and rambling emails to us (why she's cc'ing me I have no idea) every couple days or so. Mostly I don't pay these much attention because they have so little content of value and seemed to start as a way to try to guilt my husband into visiting. And often they just plain don't make sense. But she sent one yesterday that had a very nice section of it. She so seldom sees good in the world, so uplifting thoughts like this from her are rare. And it actually made me feel really good.

When I thought about your anniversary the last couple days, I thought that you two have been through quite a lot. I know that we were so poor we begged borrowed and stole a couple pencils from my job. But ...... it was just not the same. Dad was in school and there were offers right around the corner. Still it was difficult and maybe some bad habits got started. Whereas, you two seem to have worked on keeping the good habits, and keeping friends, and although the future is not set in stone, you "kept the faith".

Anyway, dad and I are proud of you, and hope you have a good summer.



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