Emerald Myst Wanderings

Oolong Died

Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2003 - 1:39 pm


If you are familiar with Oolong, the rabbit who balances things on his head, I'm sorry to say that he died. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me explain.

There is this Japanese website that is all these pictures this man has taken of his pet rabbit, Oolong. A lot of the pictures are very nice pictures of a sweet bunny, and a lot of them are Oolong balancing things on his head. It is so funny, yet so sweet. I love looking there from time to time at the new pictures, and it always makes me feel good. So I was really sorry to see that Oolong died.

Check it out for yourself:

the main page

Pretty pictures:

sweet bunny

bunny in sun

bunny in snow

bunny in flowers

Head balancing pictures:


carrot horns

fish cookie

bunny with a pancake on his head with a bunny with a pancake on his head on his head



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