Emerald Myst Wanderings

Money & Designated Cool Person

Wednesday, Feb. 05, 2003 - 10:18 pm


This week's horoscope:

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): "Dear Dr. Brezsny: I've been told by astrologers that I'm a natural money magnet. So why am I still poor? I pray constantly to the Almighty for financial help, and twice a week I buy lottery tickets. But no luck has come my way! Please tell me whether I will win the lottery. Better yet, give me the magic winning numbers. -Gemini Who's Crazy for Green." Dear Crazy: You'll never win the lottery with your current approach. The only chance you have to generate luck of that magnitude will be if you work your ass off for the next two years to create your dream job.

Hmmm.... Well, I'm not really that money crazy, but I definitely find it very useful. I don't really have any expectations of making much money, though my husband likes to joke about when we'll be rich from my book of hands. I have mostly stopped trying to think of what I can do to make money, although the voice of my parents in my head says otherwise. Instead, I'm hoping to just do my artwork, and it'd be great to sell books or cards or posters of it. I have absolutely no interest in selling originals. I don't understand how artists do that. I know for a lot of people the act of creating is more satisfying than the finished product, but that's not so for me; I like both equally. I think it's because my obsessive-compulsiveness sort of compels me to make my artwork the way I do, and so when it's done, it's very _pleasing_ and I like to stare at it a lot. It like scratches an itch in my brain. I am doing the feng shui training which once I start doing consultations I can make some real money, and I did think of that before I started, but it is also something I really love. So bascially I just want to do stuff I love, and it would be great to make some money too, and I hope I get at least a little recognition from someone, and that's about it.

What I really want to be is what I call a Designated Cool Person. Basically that's just someone that's done some cool stuff and people are interested in them and they get asked to speak at conferences and stuff like that. Luisah Teish is the first person I called that. I was attending a women's conference that she was basically leading, and I was so impressed with her, I kept thinking, I want to be like her. And I wondered, well, what is she? She's a designated cool person. Sue Bender, Natalie Goldberg, and Julia Cameron all come to mind as Designated Cool People. Dr. Andrew Weil would be too. I bet Starhawk is also, although I don't know that much about her. There's tons of them, but that's all I can think of right now.

What makes a someone a Desgnated Cool Person? Well, you have to get some recognition for the stuff you do; people have to be interested in you. They have to designate you as cool, basically. What kind of stuff do DCP's do? Well, there aren't hard fast rules about it, but I do know you have to write a book. Doing some kind of creative/artistic stuff is good. Traveling and experiencing a lot of different kinds of things is good. Heavy involvement in some kind of spiritual stuff is good. Being innovative and starting things is very good, maybe even neccessary.


My Designated Cool Person resume (so far):

started 2 women's groups: one in Houston and one in L.A. (with much help from my best friend Audrey)

co-organized 2 very small women's conferences: again in Houston and L.A. and again with Audrey

founded Living Room Theatre (which only had one production (yes, in my living room - a Bring Your Own Chair Production of Love Letters by A.R. Gurney starring me and my friend Tim) but I hope to again live somewhere with a big enough living room that I can revive it)

produced 5 issues of a literary journal featuring the work of my friends (titled A Drop of Moon Juice)

sang in a band for 3 years (in Houston called the last wish)

attended Burning Man 4 times

traveled all around the country with my husband for 5 months, living in our van

created various collages

creating The Hand Book (my hands - in progress)


That's all I can think of right now. I've got an ok start, but I need to do more things that get more recognition. I really want to revive or build on most of the things listed, and I have so many other things I want to do that I could add to the list. I really do feel like I've got to get out a book of my hands, and then I'll really start to make it somehow.

And then the money will follow? Boy, that'd be nice, huh.

And then maybe someone will ask me to speak at a conference.


current listening: mix cd

current reading: Creating Circles of Power and Magic

current watching: Skidoo


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Crummy - Monday, Jul. 12, 2004
Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
Letting Go - Friday, Jun. 04, 2004
Google 5 - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004
Before Tattoo - Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

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