Emerald Myst Wanderings

The Hours

Thursday, Feb. 06, 2003 - 9:04 pm


Oh. My. God.

Today we saw the best movie I've seen in a very long time. The Hours.

I read the book a year or two ago, and thought it was just beautiful. Dreamy, magical, emotional, very, very sad. When I heard a movie had been made, I thought, "What?! How do you make a movie out of that?" I mean, not much really happens. It's all about feelings and moments, the hours. This film though, really captures the book beautifully. And it's a wonderful work of art in its own right. This film is so MOVING. It may have been my current state of mind, but from about 20 minutes in, all the way to the end, my eyes were wet, and several times tears ran down my face. My husband said he "stopped crying 8 or 9 times" and he is not a man who cries. I don't feel like I watched this film, I experienced it.

I sort of wish I could say something about what it means to me and that kind of thing, but I don't know if there's much to say. A few random thoughts that occur to me: We're all interconnected. Everyone has a story. And we're also all part of the human story. Everyone has to live every moment of his or her life. Our lives are made up of moments. One of my favorite lines from the film, said by Virginia Woolf (yes, Virginia Woolf is a character in the movie): "You do not find peace by avoiding life."


current reading: Creating Circles of Power and Magic

current movies: The Hours


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