Emerald Myst Wanderings

Past Horoscopes

Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2003 - 11:55 pm


Some horoscopes from weeks past:

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Don't bother looking for help from reat minds and deep thoughts this week. You're in one of your "folk wisdom" phases, when the only kind of counsel that can be of any use is the goofy brilliance that now and then gurgles up out of that vast compost heap known as mass culture. Here, for instance, are the bumper sticker slogans that are most in alignment with your astrological needs. 1. "I will not obsess. I will not obsess. I will not obsess." 2. "We all have problems. Mine are just more important than yours." 3. "If all the world's a stage, I'll be needing more wardrobe." 4. "Excuse me. I'm off to see the wizard."

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Gemini performer Keith Hennessy teaches classes in improvisation. I'll quote his ideas about the subject because they perfectly describe the nature of the spirit you should invoke in the coming weeks. Here's his definition of improvisation. "The art of being in full awareness and integrity right now. The opposite of repression. The closest we get to the source language of creativity, soul, play, and magic. A crazy attempt to align body and mind not only in the pursuit of freedom, but in the actual experience of freedom. Intentional spontaneity. The beauty and truth of the wild."

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Philosopher Jean Houston likes to quote a Native American saying that's important for you to hear right now: "When we take one step towards the gods, the gods take ten steps towards us." Here's another way to think about it: There are huge cosmic intelligences whose work is imperceptible to our five senses. They aren't figments of the imagination or sentimental fictions, but actual beings. When we acknowledge their existence and ask for their help, they enjoy responding. More than that: They love to collaborate with our strong intentions.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You should be seriously considered for employee of the month. I love how you've been brightening up the workplace with your bursts of imaginative flair. If your associates have not yet registered the fact that your already-considerable value has risen even further, I urge you to show them this horoscope. In another matter, I'm certain that you should also be named shopper of the month. On the one hand you've been healing an obsessive glitch in your consumer habits, while on the other hand you've been delightfully intuitive about which purchases will improve your life in the most lasting ways.



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Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
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