Emerald Myst Wanderings

People Issues

Tuesday, May. 13, 2003 - 12:47 am


Oh there are people issues and relationship issues that are happening to and with friends that I don't really feel comfortable posting about, but they break my heart, and they're some things that are hard for me to deal with, and it's all connected, and I really wish I didn't have to deal with any of it at all right now. I feel terribly sorry for these friends, but I just feel out of help to offer, but I can't bear to say no, because I think that would make me feel worse, and there are so many situations I just don't know how to disentangle myself from, and I wish I didn't have to and that things would sort of gradually fade away. I mean, that happens sometimes. But I sort of doubt it will this time, and I really don't want confrontations because then I feel like I'm making people deal with my issues and I don't think that's fair.


I know that's all very vague, but just blurting it all out is helpful. Don't try to figure out what I'm referring to because it's actually multiple situations and relationships.

I really need more close, non-dysfunctional friends. I seem to always be attracted to people that are "fixer-uppers" and I don't feel like I have enough balanced friendships. Oh but making friends is so hard for me, I hate to think about it. I always like it when it just happens naturally. I think I have to wait for August though, since we're leaving. Maybe I'll make some good connections at Flipside.



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Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
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