Emerald Myst Wanderings

Reclaiming Your Power

Wednesday, Apr. 07, 2004 - 11:42 pm


I read today about the fourth stage of healing and it's Reclaiming You Power. I think I'm actually entering this phase. It starts with "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore." I think fully accepting my stuckness allowed me to finally move through it.

One of the things I found interesting about stage 4 is that frequently people change their lives in response to that feeling in some big way (quit a job, end a relationship, move, etc.) thinking that's the way to improve their lives. But nothing's really been addressed and they'll end up back in their stuck pattern again.

I feel like I've done quite well at avoiding this. I keep having people tell me I need a job or I need a schedule or whatever, and I have strongly felt that would merely be a distraction from figuring out my actual issues. It was nice to be sort of reassured about those choices.

I'm feeling pretty good about the future. I'm slowly getting stuff done. I got a bunch of junk out of the way, so tomorrow there's little to do that's not Joseph related. Good.



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Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
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