Emerald Myst Wanderings

Wanted: A Spiritual Path

Friday, May. 09, 2003 - 12:27 am


This week's horoscope:

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

I hope you have a spiritual path. It doesn't matter what kind, as long as you have some relationship with a benevolent source of life and love beyond your little ego. Having said that, I also want to advocate the importance of not taking your spiritual path too damn seriously. Grave fanaticism in any form, even if devoted to a noble cause, is dangerous not only to your mental health, but also to that of the people around you. This week it will be especially important for you to be playfully mocking towards that which you hold most sacred. Examples? Put underwear on a Buddha statue, insert a dirty limerick into your prayers to the Goddess, enjoy some heavy petting in a synagogue, visualize yourself tickling Jesus.

Wow, over the last couple weeks I have gotten several signs and had many thoughts about spirituality, and specifically about the fact that I don't really have a "path." I don't think I can run out and get one right now, but this just confirms for me even more that this is important.

It's sort of dumb I guess, but right now I feel like I don't have time for spirituality. That sounds terrible. How can I not have time for something that is so important to me? I really do need a path of some kind though. Even if I make it up myself and I'm the only one on it. I need something.

This is exactly the kind of reason that I am so excited about out summer plans. I really think this summer will be an opportunity to shake me out of my patterns and comfort zone some, which is exactly what I need. More stretching. And my spirituality is a prime area that needs more attention and contemplation.



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