Emerald Myst Wanderings

Instinct for Uproar

Friday, Jun. 06, 2003 - 12:17 pm


This week's horoscope:

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You're in a phase when you may be tempted to start food fights at fancy dinner parties, wrap toilet paper around the trees in front of your adversaries' houses, and regard the juvenile delinquents of cable TV's "South Park" as worthy role models. I hate to discourage you from indulging this instinct for uproar, since so much of it could be fun and liberating. Therefore, I'm going to authorize you to go right ahead. But please keep a fraction of your adult brain working in the background, ready to step in and halt the proceedings if you're ever about to, say, imitate the South Park kids' "How to eat with your butt" routine for your boss.

That's not really how I feel right now. But I sort of wish I did. I just feel so tired somehow. I've got to get some energy back. And some more Flipside Head. Must ponder this for today.



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