Emerald Myst Wanderings

What to do, what to do

Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2004 - 3:59 pm


I'm feeling kinda sad and weird and confused. Again. I don't know what to do now. Getting organized is so hard these days. Scary. My efficiency obsession is actually interfering with my life now, I think.

I'm really really really sick of my days being like this. I suppose that means I should try something different. But I don't know what direction to go in. And so much of the problem is that I'm having trouble getting myself to do these different things already, so I just don't know what to do. Am at a loss. Bleh.

Getting off the computer is a good start I guess though. I keep coming back on here because it's comfortable and easy. Must be more forceful in my decisions to not be online all the time. Argh.



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most recent entries:
Crummy - Monday, Jul. 12, 2004
Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
Letting Go - Friday, Jun. 04, 2004
Google 5 - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004
Before Tattoo - Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

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