Emerald Myst Wanderings

Where to begin?

Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 - 2:31 pm


So I haven't written anything in a long time. My husband and I were just bitching on Wednesday about how sick we were of the same old struggle and how much we wanted something new to happen. The Universe sure delivered! So much has been going on I haven't felt up to describing it in writing. But at the same time, I really miss not having stuff recorded. So I'm going to do my best to post a bunch of entries and get up to speed.

Where to begin?


recent music: Chris Whitley, Deva Premal, Delirium, Cream

recent books: Plain and Simple & Everday Sacred, both by Sue Bender

recent movies: Moulin Rouge


previous - next

most recent entries:
Crummy - Monday, Jul. 12, 2004
Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
Letting Go - Friday, Jun. 04, 2004
Google 5 - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004
Before Tattoo - Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

older entries

random entry


* sign my guestbook*

For a more complete view of my life, read these:

live journal ~ gratitude journal
