Emerald Myst Wanderings

A Trip to the Doctor

Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 - 2:41 pm


The biggest changes going on right now are all health related and came out of a doctor's appointment I had on Thursday. Part of me wants to explain what all my health issues are, but part of me doesn't because I already know what they all are and explaining them would mostly just be for the imaginary people that read my diary. Oh geez, ok here's the deal, simply put. I don't ovulate. I am currently infertile. I have the beginning stages of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I have been on and off birth control pills since I was 17 which basically hides my symptoms, and which is all my traditional endocrinologist said could be done until I wanted to try to get pregnant. But I finally feel ready to do what I can about fixing this.

So Dr. Mary recommended her friend Dr. Phil (that really is his name), who is a traditionally trained general practitioner, but he also knows a lot about nutrition and herbalism, and he really treats the whole person instead of just symptoms. He shows you how all of your health issues are related. Basically this is the doctor I've always wanted to go to. I told my husband that this man will be our doctor until he dies. (And he lives in Wimberley and has another office there, and we all know how I feel about Wimberley.) His office is set up in a little house, and my appointment with him was an hour and a half long discussion during which he got to understand my problems and told me how I need to change my life in order to get healthy.

Whew! So how do I have to change my life? Well, I have a few supplements to take. I need to read this book (Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill by Udo Erasmus) and do some online research so that I have a better understanding of what I'm doing. I have to try to make myself start sleeping more normal hours (like 10 to 6 or at least 11 to 7). I have to excercise an hour and a half each day. I have to be less stressed (yeah that's easy) which for me translates into taking more time for myself and doing breathing exercises and stuff like that. And I have to totally change the way I eat. Basically we're now eating a low-carb style diet, but we're eating almsot no grains or fruit or anything, and definitely no sugar. Yesterday the only thing I ate that wasn't meat, beans, nuts, vegetables, or dairy was a tablespoon of applesauce. Earlier today I was craving sweet and a glass of milk actually helped. Apparently lactose will be my thing now.

So basically this is HUGE. All of these changes will definitely improve my health in every way, but the crummy thing is it still might not give me regular menstral cycles. But I'm hopeful.


current music: T. Rex - Electric Warrior; Chris Whitley - Living with the Law


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