Emerald Myst Wanderings

Burning Man?

Friday, Feb. 27, 2004 - 12:12 am


Perhaps this is very foolish, but I've been feeling a bit like I might like to go to Burning Man. I know that I said I didn't need to, but I think I was thinking about it wrong.

There's a strong learning experience I get from that empty desert camping. There's a kind of "on the brink" feeling to it. A real liminality, you know? I'm craving that already, and I don't know where else I might get it from.

I feel like if I went, I would go expecting to not have a fun time, but to have a retreat time. I would absolutely want to camp alone again, hopefully very near my husband and the other Austin folks, but having my own space was wonderful.

I don't know. I'll see how my husband feels about it, because we'd said we were switching years, and that this was his year to go alone. I don't want to interfere with his experience.

Oh good lord. I really am missing something though.

I am craving big something. Big changes. But I'm too scared to do them. Or something.

Hmmm. What to do?



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