Emerald Myst Wanderings

Feng Shui Explained

Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 - 9:44 pm


Below is a talk I had to give in my feng shui class, which I think is a pretty good explanation of feng shui (pronounced "fung shway" by the way).


My personal definition of feng shui is a way of seeing your environment and the way it affects you mentally and emotionally, and a way of cultivating your environment so that it supports what you want in your life right now.

Let me talk about that in two parts.

First, a way of seeing your environment and the way it affects you mentally and emotionally.

This way of seeing comes from general principles of energy: Everything is alive, connected and changing.

Everyone and everything has energy that interacts with your energy, affecting you in some way. Everything is alive.

And you affect the things and people around you. You bring a meaning to them through your own energy. Everything is connected.

And this energy and these effects will be different as time passes. Everything is changing

So if you focus your attention and become attuned to yourself and your surroundings, you can strengthen your own inner feng shui to understand how your environment is affecting you.

Second, a way of cultivating your environment so that it supports what you want in your life right now.

Now that you have your inner feng shui working and you know how things in your environment affect you, you can affect how your environment affects you.

What do you want in your life right now? Imagine you already have it.

What kind of environment would support that kind of life? Create it.

What is your ideal self? Imagine that?s who you are today.

What kind of home would that self live in? Create the living space that your ideal self will thrive in.

You have the power to create the most beautiful, satisfying, supportive, idyllic atmosphere you can imagine.

So, once more, feng shui is a way of seeing your environment and the way it affects you mentally and emotionally and a way of cultivating your environment so that it supports what you want in your life right now.



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