Emerald Myst Wanderings


Monday, Nov. 03, 2003 - 12:21 am


So Friday night was Halloween. We went to this party/haunted house thing that this man Duby was running at his shop downtown. Duby happens to be Cookie's uncle. I was certainly not in the mood for a party, but I knew I would really regret not going, so I made myself go.

I had an ok time there. I really enjoyed talking some with Duby's daughter, Alex, who is someone I'm getting to know. She's only 16, but is able to really hang around with people older that her and fit in. I like talking with her.

It was good to see a couple people I haven't seen in a while and give them hugs. Anderson, who I would really have liked to spend more time talking with. Cookie, who I just love so dearly. As we were leaving, he was having a bad time on something and some people were taking care of him. I petted his ehad some and gave him a bunch of kisses, and it seemed to change his moood for the positive. He and I are so linked, and it still just amazes me.

I haven't really written in here in forever have I.

Did I write this in here? At the Soup campout he and I had a beautiful moment where we each said I love you to one another, and he confirmed the connection I feel. Wowza.

I enjoyed being around Tanjent. He's started getting more comfortable being affectionate with me, with makes me more comfortable, and it's great. It's just huggy really, but it's great.

It was good to see Starr some, as always. Sarah. Miriam. Brady. Oh and Whisper. I just love petting that man's back. Mary J. Ryan. I'm sure there were other folks but that's all I remember for now.

Everyone was of course properly frightened by my husband's costume as a grandma. It frightens me.

And of course there's Stuart. Ah Stuart. He was very very drunk, and he gets a certain kind of super-affectionate when he's drunk, I've noticed. His ex-girlfriend, Sherry, was there, who I guess he's still really close to? There's definitely a story there, I'll have to ask him for more details soon.

Anyway, I spent a good portion of the evening standing very close to him, arms around each other, being thrown around off-balance by him, while he had his other arm around Sherry or Alex. He was really in top form as far as craziness goes. God I love that man.

It made me all kind of gushy for him. I wish I had any understanding of how he feels about me. I think maybe he doesn't really know. Oh good god. He makes me crazy. Most of my dreams Friday night had him in them.

Oh god how I want to be closer to him. I want to share more with him. I want him to share more with me. I want to snuggle up with him. I want him to grin at me the way he does. Oh he just makes me crazy.

I'm going to do separate entries, instead of one crazy long one.


recent book: Meetings with the Archangel

recent movies: Kissing Jessica Stein; Kings of the Road; A Mighty Wind


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most recent entries:
Crummy - Monday, Jul. 12, 2004
Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
Letting Go - Friday, Jun. 04, 2004
Google 5 - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004
Before Tattoo - Wednesday, May. 12, 2004

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live journal ~ gratitude journal
