Emerald Myst Wanderings

Women's Medicine Cradle

Monday, Nov. 03, 2003 - 1:06 am


Today I went to a Women's Medicine Cradle ritual. I went to one with Valkyrie back in March, I think. It's a 20-year-old shamanic tradition. This woman has this large basket, the cradle, which women put objects into that symbolize some change they want in their lives, or something they need in their lives, as part of this ritual. Then the woman that has the cradle prays over it every day for two years. At the end of two years, a new cradle is born to a new woman, which she prays over for the next two years. And so it gets passed on like that. Today, Trish, the woman who led the ritual I went o in May was passing the cradle on to Valkyrie. It was kind of exciting, in a way.

I feel very good for Valkyrie. She was so moved, and I really think she needs this in her life now. I just think it's completely awesome.

The ritual was very good for me too. I was happy to see a few women I knew. This ritual was alrge. THe one in March was only Valkyrie and I, Trish, and one other woman. Tiny. Today there was Valkyrie and Trish of course, Starr, Piper, and Miriam, and then 7 or 8 other women I'd never met before.

It felt very good to be around women, doing sacred and powerful things. It felt very right.

The thing that I brought was a symbol I'd put together of healthy body. I put some things inside a small little pitcher that Kitten sent me in a care package, that has pretty little flowers on it. I put a bunch of small things inside it that represented different stuff to me about my body. I think I'll list it all:

First of course, pitchers are sacred to me. And I wasn't sure what the flowers on the outside might mean, and my husband said, "It's pretty," so that sounded good to me.

Inside: A stone for strength. A rubber band for flexibility. I cut up my YMCA membership card, partially because it wouldn't fit whole, but also because I didn't want that exact experience, but some kind of fitness exercise stuff. A piece of amber resin, don't know why reallysomething about spiritual meditative stuff. A star from our house altar. A multi-vitamin for nutrition. Some eucalyptus for cleansing. A sample of olive oil skin care for taking care of myself, my skin, my teeth, my hair, etc. Bluebonnet seeds for fertility. The eye of a peacock feather for beauty. Lavender for relaxation. Stuffed it all in with black velvet, fancy fancy luxury. I think that's everything.

I need help with getting healthy. I've beens truggling with it for too long. I need help.

I need a healthy body, because, in a way, my body is my life. Everything I experience in the world, in my life, is filtered though my body in some way. So it's so incredibly important.

I feel excited about being healthy. I feel ready to walk, and get strong, and eat better, and care for my teeth and my skin well. And relax, I will relax.

I want to be the healthiest person I know. I want to exude health. I want to shine from the inside, I want to realize my full strength. I want to glow. I want to feel powerful.

Whew. It's a lot. I need help, for sure.



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