Emerald Myst Wanderings

A Welcome Party & Creating a Haven

Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 - 12:36 am


Wow wow wow.

I am so glad we stopped by the party at Marrilee's house. It was very small, and I didn't know most of the people there, but the few I did know are some of my favorite people! And what a wonderful welcome home! I walked in the door and there was Cookie and I don't think I've had someone be so happy to see me in a looong time. His face just lit up when he saw me. It made me feel so good. He gave me a huge hug and asked when I got back and all that kind of thing. Wow is it good to be around him. He is doing much better. He heads out for Black Rock to do DPW next weekend I think. I will really miss him, but I just know this is going to be so good for him. I'm looking forward to seeing him on the playa.

I love my people here. I was so happy to see Marrilee and Kristen and Jack and Sarah and Valkyrie. And all of them said they're going to be at the mushroom thingy tomorrow night (except not Cookie).

I am so super excited about moving. I am very overwhelmed too, but I finally feel like we can make all our stuff fit. And make it feel great. In talking about where things are going to go and looking at the Bagua (feng shui stuff) and stuff with my husband, I put into words my dream for this home. My dream is that it will feel so good and happy and haven-like in our little apartment, that once someone visits once, they will want to keep coming back and spend more time there with us, even though it'll be a bit of a drive. And what I realized that was interesting is that our bed is going to be in the Fame & Reputation area of the apartment, and I've been thinking a lot about how to make our bed a sweet snuggly haven, so it will be the perfect representation of what I want for our whole home. Yay!


today I listened to: Chris Whitley - Rocket House; Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat


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