Emerald Myst Wanderings

Perception Ramble

Saturday, Jan. 24, 2004 - 2:01 am


I wanna ramble a minute about some stuff.

Do people really not know that everything's perception? That there is no such thing as "good" and "bad," it's all how you perceive it?

I hate that I judge against people that don't get these things. I hate that I present these things as facts, when I can't prove that they're facts. They're not facts, they're just things I know.

I want to be able to open people's eyes about this stuff.

The Universe is so small when you create "good" and "bad" boxes. Things just are, and anything is possible, and yes it's confusing and contradictory and doesn't that make it all the more beautiful?

The whole world as you know is merely what you perceive it to be. The more you can open your perception, the bigger the world gets. How bout that, huh? Pretty magical stuff.



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