Emerald Myst Wanderings

Promising Future

Friday, Feb. 28, 2003 - 4:17 am


Wow! Tonight was a great night, Game Night and all!

Marie and I hung out again, and I had a great time talking with her. We ended up talking mostly about teaching and education and home schooling. She teaches at a Montessori School, and she told me all about it, and she wants me to come visit the school to check it out. AND she said I may be able to get hired on as a substitue teacher there, and also at other Montessori schools in town! That would be so excellent! It would be great experience for my home schooling plans. (Obviously a long way off considering I have no children at this time.)

Then I got back home where Game Night was going on. There were a bunch of new folks, which was cool, especially because some of them were people I find very uplifting to be around. Valkyrie and I hung out a whole lot, and a very dear friend of hers, Starr, showed up also and the three of us were supposed to do this Kala ritual in the bedroom, but ended up just talking away, and eventually joined back in with the game stuff.

What was so great about spending time with them was I felt really included and close to them, even though I've only known Valkyrie a little while really, and I've only met Starr once, and they've known each other a long time! I don't think I've felt so included in such a long time. Boy did it feel good. I feel really excited about getting to know them more. And we're going to be part of their camp at Flipside. It's so wonderful to see the possibility of having a "group" again! The whole time I was in L.A. I never really had that. I had some close friends, but few of them were friends with each other, so we never really ended up with a group. It was frustrating.

Anyway, the future is starting to look promising again. What a relief!


today's reading: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genuis by Dave Eggers; The Twelve Wild Swans


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