Emerald Myst Wanderings

Saying Yes

Saturday, May. 31, 2003 - 10:30 pm


This is something I just wrote in my Live Journal, and I debated for a while whether or not I was comfortable putting it there. I decided I was, but I also feel like it belongs in here. So, cutting and pasting:

I've been thinking about Burning Man a lot and what I want out of it this year. The simple answer is I want it to break me open. But of course, just showing up with that wish is not enough. I must have a certain amount of open-ness already to be ready for more. So I've started thinking about what to do to get ready for this and to facilitate it.

I'm happy to say I feel like Flipside opened me more than I was expecting. This was a great start. I'm still living in Flipside Head, and I'm loving it. Maintaining this headspace until Burning Man is a great start I think.

Something more specific that I have been thinking about is saying yes. I've definitely learned the power of no. (Well except in work-type situations because I bascially have a workaholic mind, but that's sort of a different issue.) I don't feel I've fully understood the power of yes. I've been practicing saying yes to more things than I normally would, with great results.

I've decided that on the playa I want to radically say yes. A lot of things are offered out there, and I want to say yes to as many of them as I safely can, as sort of an experiment.

I am so excited about Burning Man.

This is such a radical idea for me. I've decided I need to create some specific guidelines for myself beforehand, particularly regarding drugs and sex, because I want to be able to say yes as often as possible without having to really think about it all the time, because that will make the experience far more radical for me. I think I really suffer from over-analysis, and I want as little of it as possible out there.

I really am really excited!



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Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
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