Emerald Myst Wanderings

The Telling

Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003 - 5:08 pm


I haven't had much to say the last couple of days. I do feel much better than I had been feeling, more ready to engage in life, but honestly, I haven't really done much different. Still sleeping odd hours. I guess it just takes a while to make your way out of the egg.

There is one amazing thing that came to me though. I've started reading The Telling by Ursula LeGuin, and in it she has created this culture of people that are being studied by the main character, Sutty. Most of what Sutty is learning is about their spiritual beliefs, and that is where the amazing thing lies. I don't have it quite put into words yet, but basically I became far more aware of something from reading this book. I have a much better understanding of the Universe and I feel a renewed sense of spirituality and connection to Divine Spirit Energy. If the words come to me better, I will elaborate. I highly recommend this book though (at least so far, I haven't finished it yet), and perhaps anyone reading it will have some realizations themselves.


current music: mix CD's

current books: The Telling; The Twelve Wild Swans


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Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
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