Emerald Myst Wanderings

A Lovely Weekend

Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 - 3:35 pm


My parents visited this past weekend, and it was a really great visit and we did some really cool things. And foodwise, it was a nice farewell weekend to the old way of eating.

The food farewell actually began Thursday when Marie and I went to Mozart's and a had a mocha granita and blueberry cheesecake, which is sort of nostalgic from a time with Ogechi.

Anyway with Mom and Dad we went to dinner at Threadgill's Friday night (chicken fried chicken and garlic cheese grits- yum...). Then Saturday was the 1st Annual Austin Art Car Parade, which we were in. That was lots of fun in spite of it all being fairly poorly organized. It was the first one, so hopefully they do better next year. So we met Mom and Dad after the parade and we walked to the Fine Arts Festival, which was totally awesome. I so love art festivals, wandering through all the booths where people are selling cool stuff they've made. And there was a lot of really nice stuff there. We ate dinner at Kerbey Lane (baked potato omelet which I can still have occasionally), then came home and watched Moulin Rouge which my parents had never seen and they loved it. Sunday we drove out into the beautiful wildflower-covered Hill Country and visited three wineries. That was tons of fun. They bought us 9 bottles of wine over the course of the day and a really cool cookbook. Along the way we also went to this local artists retreat/art gallery that was kind of in the middle of nowhere. I loved all the art we saw last weekend! Dinner at Romeo's (cheese ravioli).

Then they went home! Then Rusell and I walked to Amy's Ice Cream for a truly final farewell, and I had delicious sweet cream ice cream with strawberries. Overall a lovely weekend. And the catalyst for some other changes, which I'll write about next, after I eat lunch.



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Crummy - Monday, Jul. 12, 2004
Can't Decide - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004
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